The Nature Center's Camera Club went on a "leaf peeping" field trip Thursday evening to Dannebrog, Nebraska. Dannebrog is a little town of around 300 people located about 40 miles north of the Nature Center and north west of Grand Island. The trees were not all that colorful with the exception of a nice little Bradford pear on the west side of town. We found our way to main street where our cameras drew some attention before heading to the Danish Bakery and the Pawnee Art Center located just a few doors apart on main street.
hit the jump to read on
The Pawnee Art Center is a very nice place that features art and information about the Pawnee Nation and hosts events and speakers from time to time. They were showing me where the planned capital improvement of a new bathroom will go. The current bathroom is located at "home".
Peggy, Roger and Gale were kind enough to give us a tour of the Center and share some of their plans for the Art Center. Roger is the Roger Welsch of the Liars Hall of Fame fame.
We had eleven of us for pizza and two pies were more then enough!
Tom is the maestro of pizza every Thursday night at the Danish Bakery, located right on main street in Dannebrog. You'll want to call ahead and make a reservation. Dan Glomski was looking forward to ordering a fine pastry called kringle from Tom for the holiday season. Stay tuned to see if any of the kringle finds its way to the Nature Center's break room counter!
Our Camera Club meets monthly and is open to anyone who wants to come and learn, share, or just geek out about camera stuff.
Quick update from Dan: Tom let me sample his apple kringle, and it is absolutely delicious. Kringle is available only around Christmas, starting a couple of weeks or so beforehand. Can't wait!
Hi Bethany, Dannebrog certainly is a great little town. I'm glad you found this on the web!