The following article highlights the area so people can find additional things to do while visiting the area. I hope you find it helpful.
LINCOLN, Neb. -- "So, what is there to do around here?" When visitors who have traveled perhaps hundreds of miles to watch birds ask that question, they probably aren't looking for the nearest water park or shopping mall. More likely, they'd welcome other wildlife viewing opportunities, walking and hiking, historical and rural sites.

Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center and the University of Nebraska
Rural Initiative set out to determine just what would appeal to the 70,000 or so people who flock to central Nebraska every spring to watch the sandhill cranes' migration. The idea is to build on the already significant economic impact by coaxing visitors to spend a little more time, and money, in the region.
That economic impact was estimated at $10.3 million in a recent University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bureau of Business Research
study. The professors who conducted that study suggested their findings pointed to new economic prospects in the region.
To that end, the visitor center and Rural Initiative surveyed visitors at several locations during the 2010 crane migration. The survey was meant to gather information about what other activities and attractions might interest the 70,000 annual visitors who go to central Nebraska to observe the migration.
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