There are certainties in life, such as the rising of the sun and the fact that my kids make noise. Something that is not certain is that wildlife will be where you want it and when. We played a small part in a very nice photo workshop that was held this weekend in Hastings Nebraska. Part of my responsibility was to host a group of photographers to one of the Centers wildlife viewing blinds to photograph sandhill cranes and other wildlife. We set this up months ago and I knew at that time that the birds might very well not be here at this time of year as it is a bit early for dependable crane viewing.
So what do I do with twenty aspiring and advance photographers at sun-up? Why just photograph one of Nebraska’s awe-inspiring sunrise scenes. Sunrises in Nebraska are as dependable as water from your faucet. So that’s what we did minus one problem, fog. When I got up Saturday morning and hopped in my car in the pre-dawn darkness, it was fog city.
Fog is good. It’s the great equalizer. The great soft-box in the sky that gives a pleasing ethereal look to anything, especially a landscape. The winter of 2009-10 has been a bit harsher then winters of late and fog has been a frequent visitor to the landscape. Fog is good…
It was nice to spend time with a bunch of like-minded camera geeks photographing anything and everything in sight, including each other. We all put on our warm winter gear and braved the crisp morning air to capture a scene that is worthy of space on our wall. There’s always a camaraderie with a group like this that is just plain fun. We will continue to wait for the sandhill cranes to make their appearance and be ready to photograph them on their terms.
We will continue to have photographic events at the Center including a workshop with Randy Hampton on Saturday March, 20 and our prairie chicken and stars tour to Mullen Nebraska in April. Just give us a call for more details or to register.