Brad, Shirley, Vicki and Dan
The Nebraska Nature & Visitor Center located is pleased to announce that Dan Glomski has been hired as the Center’s Program Coordinator in the organization.
Dan brings over twenty years of experience providing science based programming, including being Curator of Astronomy at Hastings Museum. Dan’s current focus at the Nature Center includes producing and presenting year-round nature based programs for school aged and adult audiences. Dan will work closely with educators and volunteers to provide programs that tell the story of Nebraska’s rivers, prairie and wildlife.
Vicki Struss came on board in July and serves as our office manager. Vicki keeps the office running smoothly and is usually the first person to answer the phone. Vicki lives on a farm near Kenesaw with her husband Rick.
To help with the gift shop, we have hired Shirley McCallum of Grand Island. Shirley will draw on her experience as an interior designer and volunteering for several gift shops in the area. Shirley's creative touch can be seen throughout the building.
I (Brad) started as director in April and am looking forward to working with Shirley, Vicki and Dan as we begin to grow this organization.
The Nebraska Nature & Visitor Center re-opened its doors this past summer and has partnered with Hastings College, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, Platte River Recovery Program and the Nebraska Environmental Trust.
Located on the I-80 Alda exit 305, the Nebraska Nature & Visitor Center exists to provide a place where people of all ages can connect to nature along the Platte River. You can go to www.nebraskanature.org for more information.
The Central Platte River valley is home to some of the most productive land on our planet. This productivity has created a robust economy of agriculture, business and industry that thrives to this day. The common thread is the Platte. The Platte breathes life into this region, it always has.
Our entire lives we have lived and worked in the valley and we go about our business seldom stopping to take notice. People travel I-80 as fast as they possibly can, hardly recognizing the river that has flowed for eons carving out a landscape that was once at the heart of the greatest grassland ecosystems on earth.
The Platte, though fragmented compared to its historic borders, still plays host to a robust ecosystem of flora and fauna that is world class in its scope. This is the focus of our mission.
The Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center exists to provide a place from which people of all ages can connect to nature. Landowners, scientists, politicians, tourists, artists and students are starting to piece together the future of the Platte. We are learning more now than we ever have about the river. What are we to do with all of this knowledge? The one thing we can’t do is ignore it.
The Nebraska Nature and Visitor Center will be a resource and a portal to nature. We will celebrate Nebraska and it’s land as a place that is vibrant and alive. As the debates and policies are formed, a place in which people can connect, learn, and discover grows more important..
We will be hosting two volunteer orientation events designed to get you involved (again). We will have a short introductory meeting to get ourselves organized and find out what talents each of us have and how we can connect them in volunteer service to the
Choose the meeting time that fits your schedule best, or come to both!
Thursday, July 23 at 9:30 am A light brunch will be served along with a short meeting.
Tuesday. July 28 at 6:00 p.m. We will have a BBQ with a short meeting to follow.
We will provide all of the food for both meetings.
If you are unable to attend but wish to be involved, simply call or email and we will get you the information needed to get on-board.
Other news:
Center work day - Thursday, July 30 8:30 am - noon. Lunch will be served. We have both inside and outside work to complete. Stay as long as you can! Cleaning, brush removal, windows, mowing and more fun things to do.
More volunteer activities will be announced in the near future.